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Honeymoon in Venice

Gauteng Business Group

"How does the saying go, 'last but not least' - Indeed, we left the best news for last - You certainly didn't expect that when you upgraded to either Internship membership or Premium Membership, you also purchased a small business of your own, and a business you can operate in your spare time, but also a small business that may eventually financially outperform  your day job."



Rewards Program

This rewards Program applies to Premium Members only, also called Independent Agents (IA's) of the Gauteng Business Group.


Internship members will be at liberty to upgrade to Premium Membership at any time. 


Once an independent Agent (IA) successfully advances to RANK 9 at Premium level (there is also a RANK 9 at Internship level), the following rewards program will become applicable:  â€‹


​​A. Annual Vacation


RANK 9 through to DIAMOND EXECUTIVE members, as well as their direct family (spouse and children) are guaranteed to annually accompany the management personnel of the Royce Group on an exotic sea cruise holiday somewhere on the oceans of the world. All expenses will be inclusive up to the maximum of:


  • RANK 9 - R100 000,00 per family

  • GOLD EXECUTIVE- R150 000,00 per family

  • PLATINUM EXECUTIVE - R200 000,00 per family

  • DIAMOND EXECUTIVE - R250 000,00 per family


Note - All 4 of the above ranking categories will always be booked on the SAME annual ocean cruise ship, unless the member numbers justify the bookings to be on more cruise ships.


Annual inflation increases will apply.


This annual sea cruise holiday will continue indefinitely and may be transferred to a beneficiary in the member's last will.

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Rewards Program

B. Own Vehicles


RANK 9 Premium Member IA's qualify after 9 years subscribed as Premium members - They will then receive their first motor vehicle -

The vehicle will be purchased by the Royce Group, save the IA will be allowed to choose his/her preferred vehicle.

A price-range limit of R500 000,00 FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND will apply. 


GOLD EXECUTIVE IA's qualify after 12 years subscribed as Premium members  - They will then receive a second motor vehicle - The vehicle will be purchased by the Royce Group, save the IA will be allowed to choose his/her preferred vehicle.

A price-range limit of R750 000,00 SEVEN-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY THOUSAND will apply. 


PLATINUM EXECUTIVE IA's qualify after 15 years subscribed as Premium members - They will then receive a third motor vehicle - The vehicle will be purchased by the Royce Group, save the IA will be allowed to choose his/her preferred vehicle.

A price-range limit of R1 MILLION will apply. 


DIAMOND EXECUTIVE IA's qualify after 18 years subscribed as Premium members - They will then receive a fourth motor vehicle - The vehicle will be purchased by the Royce Group, save the IA will be allowed to choose his/her preferred vehicle.

A price-range limit of R2 MILLION will apply. 


Ts&Cs will apply.  


Additional Rewards will always be subject to the success and profit margins of the business.


Now that you know what the great rewards are of being promoted to RANK 9 through DIAMOND Executive qualified IA, get out there, be a G0-GETTER, and work hard. Thereafter you can relax and ride the wave to enjoy a good life! 


ALWAYS REMEMBER - "We use the power of our membership numbers to bargain with service providers for the best discount deals on the planet."

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