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You Want to Advertise on this very Popular Website?

Use an ADVERTORIAL or CLASSIFIEDS ad to tell other members and visitors about your business. 

Request to advertise on our Advertorials pages OR Classifieds pages here?

Thanks for submitting!

Advertising On Our Advertorials Platform

Internship Members may advertise 1 ONE full-color A4/A5 Flyer-type advertisement anywhere on our Advertorials pages, at no charge, and indefinitely. The preferred file format - .jpeg.

Premium Members may advertise 5 FIVE full-color A4/A5 Flyer-type advertisements anywhere on our Advertorial pages, at no charge, and indefinitely. The preferred file format - .jpeg.

Bar the above, all members will pay the rate of only (R90,00 NINETY rand) per month for each full-color .jpeg format (or other) flyer type A4/A5 advertisement.

NOTE - While our advertising budget allows, our advertising pages, including the Advertorial pages, Classified pages, and the Property pages, will be promoted daily on social media sites, Facebook, Facebook Advertising Manager, Instagram, Google AdWords, and others - Besides this, advertisers are always at liberty to share the link of their advertisements on social media sites daily.

Considering these facts, members/advertisers can confidently rely on at least 100,000 views over 30 days! 

Control Your Own Social Media Exposure
Members, friends, and site visitors - This is the landing page of our Online Advertorials advertising pages - We offer everybody access to low-cost advertorial ads at about 20-times less (actual calculation) than what you will pay to advertise the same advertorial ad/s in local newspapers, anywhere in the Gauteng Province.


Your exposure on social media is guaranteed by YOU, the advertiser because YOU can Share the link to your ad/s very wide on social media sites daily, and we will do so too - THIS WILL ENABLE YOU TO BE IN CONTROL OF YOUR EXPOSURE FIGURES - which is impossible to achieve while you advertise in any newspaper OR magazine - We are waiting for your advertorial ad/s - you may forward your ad/s here on WhatsApp 0619629975 (in private) OR send us an email to - 🙌😁😀

The Gauteng Business Group

Note to all group members -

The free and low-cost CLASSIFIED advertisements you are allowed to post/place on these CLASSIFIED pages are of significant value considering that when our advertising budget allows us, we promote this website daily on Social Media platforms like Facebook (More than 40 Facebook Groups in Gauteng), Facebook Advertising Manager, Instagram, Google AdWords, and others -

You may rest assured that your advertisements on our website, both Advertorials, and Classifieds, will be viewed by at least 100,000 HUNDRED THOUSAND people every month!

We will add our banking details below -
Our plea to all members advertising on these CLASSIFIED pages, or our Advertorial pages, is simply this, "if you generate new business and increased profits through advertising on these advertising platforms, then please consider donating a portion of up to 5% of your profits to us, from month to month, so that we will be able to increase our advertising budgets and provide this free or super low-cost online advertising space to you on a sustainable basis, and indefinitely.

Thanks a million for your consideration and future donations.

Standard Bank SA, Current Acc No. 10139059677; Acc Holder: Royce Group; Branch Code: 051001; Ref. Your Name OR Cell No.

Sitting by the window

Members may drop their full-color ads/images directly on the WhatsApp group - Else if you are not a member, then WhatsApp Charles direct at 0619629975, or email the image/s of your ADVERTORIAL ad/s, or the text of your CLASSIFIED ad/s for placement on either the ADVERTORIAL ads pages OR the CLASSIFIED ads pages. 

Low-cost rates: R90,00 per month per advertorial ad -


Low-cost rates: R30,00 per month per classified ad of up to 90 NINETY words -


Pay for your advertorial ad/s here -  

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